Of all the enlightening works on the subject of horsemanship, La Guérinière's Ecole de Cavalerie, published in 1731, remains unsurpassed as the fundamental teaching upon which Classical dressage is based. This set of principles in equitation requires the trainer to work with the natural aptitude of the horse in order to bring about harmonious movement. Classical dressage cannot be practiced without patience, kindness and the lightest of touch. It is a fluid art form that requires us to control ourselves as well as the movement of the horse, and only after years of dedication can we aspire to more than the occasional moment of perfection.
Under the careful watch of Riding Master Frank Grelo, students are given the tools necessary to attain such moments. These lessons come in many forms - from tossing a whip for the rider to catch while in motion, handling oneself with mares and stallions in the same arena, or participating in a musical ride with exacting standards of space, rhythm and symmetry. Engaging the Grelo version of Keep Calm and Carry On, riders quickly learn to channel energy of an excited horse into the exercises. Volumes could be written about what is learned in the Grelo arena, not the least of which is authored by the horses themselves.